EUR ING Geoffrey M. Beresford Hartwell Chartered Engineer/Arbitrator & Adjudicator​
EUR ING Professor Geoffrey M. Beresford Hartwell
CEng FIMechE FIET FCIArb(retired) SenMIEEE(USA) FICArb(India)
Formerly CompanionICE MInstMC MINucE MCIWEM FConsE
40 Brambledown Road
Surrey SM6 0TF
United Kingdom
Telephone +44 (0)20 8401 2873

Geoffrey Hartwell is a past President of the Society of Construction Arbitrators (1997 - 2001) and a past Chairman and Senior Vice-President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (1996 - 1997).
He is listed on the Energy Arbitrators list of the American Arbitrators Association (AAA) and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR). He is also on the President's list of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC - Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils)
Curriculum Vitae
Profession: Consulting Engineer, Chartered Arbitrator, Adjudicator and Mediator
Date of birth: 10 Feb 1936

Areas of practice:
Arbitration, Mediation, Adjudication and other dispute resolution.
Engineering design and project management
Technical investigation and troubleshooting
Expert witness in UK and overseas.
Geoffrey Hartwell is an experienced International and Domestic Arbitrator, familiar with ICC and FIDIC procedures and with Adjudication Mediation and Determinative Expertise.

Technical specialities:
Engineering science
Mechanical and electrical design and specification, project management.
Process engineering and maritime engineering. Manufacturing.
Water and waste water treatment; solid waste handling.
Instrumentation, electronics, communications, automation and computer control systems.
Present Position:
Engineer/Arbitrator, Adjudicator, and Forensic Expert in Private Practice.
Visiting Professor of Arbitration Law, University of South Wales.

Senior Partner, BHA Cromwell House, Consulting Engineers
External Professor and Lecturer in Arbitration Law and the Philosophy and Ethics of Dispute Resolution- University of Glamorgan School of Law
Visiting Professor - Brunel University School of Law, London
Past Chairman, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (1996/1997)
Past President, Society of Construction Arbitrators (1997/2001) q.v.
Member of IEE/IMechE/ACE Joint Committee on Model Forms of Conditions of Contract

Areas of Technical Expertise:
Power generation (nuclear and conventional), supply and distribution.
Water and waste water treatment; solid waste handling.
Oil and petrochemical plant, pipelines.
Machinery; manufacturing and process plant
Moving bridges, maritime and water control structures. Shipbuilding and construction.
Data management: capture, handling, conversion and manipulation.
Instrumentation and control system design and performance.
Computer applications

(more information on page relating to experience as expert)
Qualifications : (Educational & Professional)
EurIng Europa Ingénieur FEANI Registration No 01874 GB
CEng. Chartered Engineer
FIMechE Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
FIET Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (formerly the Institution of Electrical Engineers
FICA(India) Fellow of the Indian Council of Arbitration
FCIArb Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Registered Arbitrator no. 6065
SenMIEEE(USA) Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Member of the Society of Construction Arbitrators
Accredited Adjudicator - Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs Conseils (FIDIC)
Accredited Mediator - National Mediation Academy - Dallas, Texas
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Now retired from these Institutions and former qualifications
CompanionICE - Companion of the Institution of Civil Engineer
MInstMC- Member of the Institute of Measurement and Control (formerly the Society of Instrument Technology)
MINucE - Member of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers
MCIWEM - Member of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (formerly the Institution of Water Engineers)
FConsE - Fellow of the Association of Consulting Engineers
Member of the Swiss Arbitration Association
Member of the Society of Construction Law
Member of the Academy of Experts
Member of the Expert Witness Institute